As we prepare for each new school year, it’s important to remind ourselves of the value an enriched education provides. As you know, La Jolla Elementary is a public school and the resources provided by the state and local funding are not sufficient to achieve our goals.
Reducing class size and providing greater instructional support for our student’s daily educational programs
Providing the myriad of enrichment programs such as art, music, technology which enhance our children’s overall educational experience
Enhancing our curriculum with up-to-date technology
Making campus improvements that beautify the learning environment and create green spaces for students to work and play

Each August, Friends of La Jolla Elementary (Friends), launches an Annual Giving Campaign to raise funds to bridge the gap between public funding and the resources needed to provide an enriched education. Now more than ever, Friends needs the support from families to help our school maintain excellence in this unprecedented time.
We Are Committed To An Enriched Education.

Through our Annual Giving Campaign, our goal is to be in a position to answer “yes” when our school, teachers, and administrators call on Friends for funding to improve the safety, education, and community experience of our school.
The budgeted spending allocation per student for the 2024-2025 school year is $1,550. This year, Friends asks that each family consider a contribution of $850 per child toward the Annual Giving Campaign. We aim for 100% participation and encourage every family to support our school by donating any amount that is right for your family.
For those that can donate $1,700 or more by September 27th will receive an invitation to The Annual Giving Campaign Cocktail Party. This event, held at one of our families’ homes on Friday, October 18th brings together donor families and our amazing LJES teachers and staff. Each and every dollar counts, and any donation you make is appreciated and supports our students.
NOTE: Donors at the Gold, Silver, and Bronze level by September 27, 2024, will be invited to an
Annual Giving Campaign cocktail party hosted at one of our families' beautiful homes in La Jolla.

$5000 funds an entire grade of classroom supplies for teacher accounts

$2500 funds a grade-wide field trip or special event

Donors at or above $1700 will be invited to our annual giving cocktail party

$850 funds one week of a supplemental teacher

Funds a day of teacher time at La Jolla Elementary

Any donation you can make is appreciated and supports our students